Awards Projects

Design Engineering Inc. was awarded an Award of Excellence by the ACI Louisiana Chapter for our Replacement of Sewerage Pumping Station No. 8 project. This project was completed for a local municipality and was designed to address the need for a reliable and efficient sewage pumping station that could withstand the forces of nature.

The new bi-level sewage pump station building was designed to protect the pump equipment within a dry-proofed reinforced concrete vault, with the top of the vault set to the current 500-year flood elevation. This design feature was crucial in ensuring the station’s ability to withstand floods and protect the equipment inside. The control and electrical equipment is located on the upper level of the station, with the floor elevation of this level also set to the current 500-year flood elevation. The building was designed to withstand a 130 mph wind load, providing added protection against severe weather.

In addition to the building design, the pumping capacity for this station was increased to 5000 GPM and the contract included 800 linear feet of 24-inch diameter gravity sewer pipe installed 20 feet below grade. Due to the physical constraints and depth of the pipe, a majority of this pipe was installed using trenchless technology that can control the location of the tunneling to within one (1) inch vertically and horizontally of its intended elevation. This helped ensure the integrity of the pipe installation and avoid any potential complications.
