Project Information
Design Engineering, Inc. (DEI) was contracted by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to lead the Engineering Services for the Violet Siphon (PO-01) Intake Repair project. As an amendment to the original contract, we were tasked with performing a comprehensive visual and acoustic inspection of the exposed portions of the Violet Canal Siphon pipes and the discharge weir box structure.
The Violet Canal Siphon, located in Violet, Louisiana, is a critical component in conveying water between the Mississippi River and Violet Canal. Using cutting-edge technology, including the Inuktun VersaTrax 150 Crawler System and Imagenex Model 831 A Digital Pipe Profiling Sonar system, our team thoroughly inspected the interior and exterior of the pipes to ensure their structural integrity. The Violet Canal Siphon structure, a timber and chain-link fence structure supported by 70-foot long timber piles, was unfortunately struck by a marine vessel and was in need of removal and replacement.
Violet, LA
Our Role
Full Service
Marine, Structural
Scope of Work
Our team, utilizing their engineering judgment, determined the necessary actions to stabilize the structure and ensure a satisfactory embedment depth. Our Inspection Objectives include:
- Visually inspecting the exposed portions of the siphon pipes and identifying potential damage • Inspecting the interior of the siphon pipes to identify potential damage
- Acoustically inspecting the interior of the siphon pipes to identify damage not visible to the naked eye
- Visually inspecting the exposed portions of the discharge weir box
- Determining the condition of the siphon pipes and discharge weir box and determining if repairs are necessary.