Project Information
Design Engineering, Inc. was contracted by the Reginal Planning Commission (RPC) and Jefferson Parish to develop and analyze a range of feasible improvements for the Causeway Boulevard – Jefferson Highway intersection. We understand the importance of taking into account potential traffic loadings, the location of the new parking facility, existing constraints, i.e., nearby structures and limited rights-of-way, and the aesthetic goals of the corridor improvement program. We have prepared a draft project schedule including major milestones, i.e., Project Management Committee (PMC) meetings, site visits, draft reviews, and final report submissions.
Our team has developed seven unique concepts, and after thorough analysis, identified the most feasible, economic, and effective potential options considering criteria such as long-term impact to surrounding businesses and neighborhoods, environmental impact, short-term impact of construction, improvement to traffic movement in both morning and evening peak hours, estimated probable construction cost, and anticipated construction time to completion. Out of the fifteen potential options, five were selected for further refinement and review after consultation with PMC.
RPC & Jefferson Parish
Jefferson Parish
Our Role
Conceptual Planning
Scope Of Work
Phased construction of Option 7B, which consisted of construction of a new northbound overpass of Jefferson Highway followed by expansion of the existing J-turn bridge structure to accommodate two-way traffic, was identified as providing the perfect balance of viability, economy, and effectiveness. This option has the potential to satisfy both short-term and long-term traffic congestion goals at the Causeway Boulevard – Jefferson Highway intersection.